

這一個多月都在做RNAi [註],之前先做過一次,本來以為沒有成功,後來把照片merge 之後發現好像可行,結果今天給博士M 看。

M: Hey, Linda, you got knock down.

L: Really?

M: Yeah, which one is this?

L: This is the one I told you. At first, I thought there is no knock down, because I can see the signal. But after I merge BBS3 and Golgi, it looks like there may be knock down.

M: Linda, this is it. We waited for a month just for this.

L: Oh, really?

M: Yes, oh~ Linda. This is knock down. See, compare to the untransfected, the signal intensity is much weaker. In the publication, there is no signal in their pictures because they reduce exposure level. Let's say, if you use 500ms to see this, then when you reduce to 300ms or so, the untransfected signal is still very bright, but the knock down signal is gone. You won't see completely no signal for any knock down. This is knock down.

L:  Really, I see.

M: Yes, hey, Linda, this is excellent. We need to do this again.


【註】RNAi 這個技術就是讓Fire 和Mello 奪得今年諾貝爾醫學獎的研究。這個技術解釋起來有點複雜,總之簡單來說,就是在細胞裡面放進小片段的RNA,這個小片段的RNA 會讓細胞停止製造你想要研究的蛋白質。我們會想要用這個技術是因為想看看,如果細胞沒有我們所研究的蛋白質,會產生什麼影響,產生的影響是怎麼造成疾病的。(我們研究的疾病是Bardet-Biedl Syndrome,中文叫巴蒂貝德氏症的樣子,是種罕見的遺傳性疾病,在我參與這個研究之前,聽都沒聽過這個疾病,我想知道的人應該也不多吧!)